You read right. Panic attack potential near a scalding tub of frying oil.
Our family went to Bayfield for the annual Applefest. Bits and I were amped and eager from the time we woke up 'til the time we finally left.
We arrived, parked super far away, enjoyed the brisk fall walk downhill, and were enveloped into a sea of Applefest party people.
They estimated that 50,000 people attended over the 3 day event last year, I'd estimate that many just for Saturday this year.
We perused a couple shops, gave up $5 to a man selling inflatable batmans out of a shopping cart and waited just short of my 29th birthday at a corn dog stand.
I am realizing, the older I get the less patient I am waiting in lines, and the more I dislike crowds of people. Let's just say, at one point, while in line for a single corn dog, I actually yelled to the vendor to clarify whether I was indeed in line or not.
Before you sense a full sour tone from our day trip, I'd like to express that we indeed enjoyed ourselves, especially when we took a short stroll on one of the docks for the sailboats, and I had a chance to recompose myself.
After eating, corn dogs, caramel apples, regular apples, and fried mini donuts, we trekked uphill, pulling Bits in his wagon, piled back into the Jeep and searched for an orchard that was advertised as having Pumpkin Picking located on Hwy. J. We stopped at two orchards, knowing they were not the place with pumpkins, but hoping they could direct us where to go. End result, we found the pumpkin orchard place ourselves, and bought pumpkins from a table, since no one was really clear on if there was indeed pumpkin picking.
The weather was fantastic, the orchards and drives along the countryside are beautiful, and the food was something you mark your calendars for, although next year, I will have a paper lunch bag in hand, just on the chance that I start hyperventilating, with what is a plethora of apple loving people.