Lesson learned: never venture further into a cave, unless you fully know what lies ahead.
We spent the day in the porkies and visited some of our favorite spots: Lake of the Clouds, Union Bay, the Ontonagan playground. On the drive from one spot to another, I see this cool cave along the roadside. I tell Mike "Turn around, I just saw something cool." He tells me, "No, tell me what it is first." I reply, "No, just trust me." We find the old Carp River Mining tunnel. I try to convince Mike we should venture in a little further, even without a flashlight. He insists, no, and we don't. We see a descriptive sign, and I ask Mike to check it out. Mike hollers to me, "You won't believe this!" I come over to see and to my frightened surprise, the old mine shaft is (brace yourself, here): a home for thousands of bats. EEEEKKK. I understand the importance of bats, but they still creep me out...really, a lot. So glad we had not walked in any further, what would have happened if my camera flash had gone off?
(but, me being swarmed by thousands of bats would have made for a very exciting blog entry)
(but, me being swarmed by thousands of bats would have made for a very exciting blog entry)