Today, Bits and I took a serious mini road trip to photograph plein aire locations for the Range Art Association. We followed our tour guide, the RAA president, in caravan form, with the RAA vice president following, to Giles Flowage, the Montreal River, Saxon Harbor, and two beautiful (and by beautiful, I mean gorgeous) private residences overlooking Lake Superior. Click-click here and holding a two-year old's hand made for an adventurous day. Many of these places had excellent playscapes, but had to be postponed to a future date, to finish the goal of pic. taking. Don't worry, I'm not entirely a bad Momma, I stopped at Little Girl's Point, just for him, to run, swing, slide, and play. He fell asleep on the drive home with one pretzel in hand and another in his snack container and will likely sleep through the night.
I'm sharing with you some of my favorite pics., but more will be posted to come on with the plein aire dates and location details. You, too, can come and enjoy the view with RAA members on one of the event dates or if it's a public location, anytime it's open.