Four o'clock in the afternoon, Tigers game won and done, Bits up from his nap, and spring break week nearing an end, we all decided to take a trip up to the Big Lake (which Bits is now calling the Little Lake) and visit Little Girl's Point.
It was brisk and beautiful and well worth the trip. The park was all our own and we walked along the beach, to the mouth of the river and then back to the Jeep along the road. I have a very patient husband, at times, and he didn't complain or show frustration of any sort as I walked along worse than a distracted 2 year old.
Pebbles, driftwood, and scenery, make for a fun adventure and collecting day. I literally hopped up and down when I found an agate (once dried in the lining of my pocket, it looks much less like an agate, but pretty nonetheless). Driftwood was a plenty and I weaved among the washed up line finding pieces that suited my preferred size and type for future driftwood assemblages. Two hoodies, two shoes, two arms, and two pockets are all that is required for a successful day of discovery.
Once we had reached the mouth of the river, I left my driftwood findings on a boulder, took a pic. of their beauty against stone, fully intending to pick them back up with the Jeep when we left. I felt I owed my dutiful husband, two free hands, in order to hold Bit's hand, while we walked on the street.
After getting back to the park, swinging, taking a trip down the slide, and a spin on the merry-go-round, piling into the Jeep, and returning to the before mentioned boulder, I found no driftwood and a young family enjoying a fire a few feet away on the beach. I smiled at the man, made my assumption, and found the comedy in it all. Honestly, what are the chances. Lesson learned, leave a note saying, "I'll be back for this driftwood, please don't burn."
LGP - A safe haven for me. Thanks for the beautiful pics. When I saw the first picture I was pretty sure that's where you had ventured to. Bits is swinging and playing on the same equipment my children and grandchildren have enjoyed. The concrete house in the water is an old pumphouse that used to sit in the bank. Looks like its alot further out than last year. Some years it sits right on the beach. As kids we used to jump off of it. Beautiful pics Amy.