Saturday, August 21, 2010

I Didn't Read Any Sign: Do Not Eat the Berries

We've been here before and we'll be back again. This last trip was done back in July, but with other happenings, I hadn't had time 'til now to upload pics and share a tale or two.

We headed out to my favorite Lake Superior stop with Mike's brother and his brother's girlfriend and their dog. An awesome day to be a turtle, dog, or a person. As I searched the shoreline for driftwood finds, I noticed berries growing in the brush. First thought, where there are berries there may be bears. Second thought, I better eat these before the bears eat them all. I hesitated long enough to mention to our party that I think I found some wild raspberries, but my lack of plant identification knowledge made me a tad skeptical. I thought that these berries may just be berries that look like raspberries, but are really poisonous, non-edible berries. Only one way to find out. I ate one and it was the best, possibly poisonous non-raspberry, raspberry I have ever had. I had not immediately died from ingesting said single berry, so I had a few more.

I am still living and breathing today, so when summer comes next year, I know where to find the tastiest raspberries in the area.


  1. Amy - those wonderful berries are thimbleberries. At least that's we have been told. They also grow out at LGP. Years ago we asked our friend Fran Oman who lived right at Little Girl's Point, if they were edible. They are as I think you probably already know.

  2. oooohhhh, I have some thimble berry jam that my father-in-law's friend from Copper Harbor gave us...awesome jam...awesome as an edible berry
