Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Montreal River Mosquitoes

Yesterday was a day full of stuff to do and a little fun site seeing to add to the to-do list. Bits and I ventured out to take pictures at two locations for RAA plein aire future sites along the Montreal River.

Nothing like a sunny, warm day along a beautiful woodsy river. Nothing like being the preferred food of choice for hundreds of mosquitoes. I itch as I type. If bug bites were a trendy thing of beauty, I'd be a supermodel.

Now is a perfect time to see wild flowers in bloom and sun creating streaks of light and blots of shadows among the trees. Were the attacking mosquitoes worth seeing the sites, yes, but a few more additions to the numerous I already had, I'd have to reevaluate.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to post a comment saying "Bits is cute" and "Yep, my kids all wanted to jump in the lake around Memorial Day each year" but it doesn't look like there are comments on that post.

    I am glad you now have chai tea and that your family can eat again.

    The mosquitoes---arrrggghhhh! Not fun. Not enjoyable. Not one little bit. But we shall survive another summer as mosquito-bait. won't we??
