Monday, January 4, 2010

Walk, Walk, Walk, Scoop, Toss, Repeat

You know, I wouldn't have thought I'd say this, but snow shoveling can be a very calming experience. If you're a little hyped up and peeved about a certain box situation, a slow repetitive activity, like scooping light fluffy snow, can relax your thoughts and ease your tension. Yes, a snow blower is much quicker, but with quickness comes thought shattering loudness, body vibrating movement, and lack of hand held precision. Also It seems like a man's/husband's machine and currently I'm enjoying all my fingers and toes and don't feel like a visit to the emergency room would be that exciting.

I say this now in the first week of January, we'll have to see if shoveling is still relaxing come May and April.

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