We all went to church at St. Paul's and enjoyed a warm potluck after the service. Dad left for back home after the potluck. It was nice having him around, and Baconator had a great time with Bop G.. There won't be as many amazing scenic photo posts without a visitor as an excuse to visit the parks, but I always have Bacon Bits, and I hear people kind of like to see pics. of him.
Since pumpkins were a rare commodity at the Pumpkin Fest, we had to seek out alternative sources. Mike was suggesting one from Walmart when we were there picking up some groceries, but the idea of choosing that special pumpkin from a big bin where every one looked at best average, was just not that appealing.
I had seen a farm stand in Ironwood, so we stopped there. It wasn't like picking a pumpkin from hundreds, but it was special. Bacon Bits ignored the pumpkins and found a nice pumpkin-like gourd perfect for his little hands. He kept calling them apples; the market lady gave him an apple to munch on and the gourd to keep, plus we bought Mommy-size and Daddy-size pumpkins.
They're now on the front porch with what remains of my mums.
Laughter amidst a sea of uncertainty
2 days ago
Dad is either teasing or partly serious but informs me that deer do eat pumpkins (they nibble on them)...um-hmm.